Podlite is a lightweight block-based markup language designed for flexibility and ease of use.

Unbound by any specific domain, programming language, or concept, Podlite stands out as a universal markup language. It's versatile enough to be successfully implemented across various development fields, from web development to scientific research.
Web version of Podlite editor - pod6.in

The desktop version of Podlite editor

The desktop version of Podlite editor is freely available in stores:
Source code repository: Source code.
🛠️ Complete the reference implementation in typescript: podlite
📚 Develop comprehensive documentation and tutorials
🖥️ Update the desktop application to fully implement the specification: podlite-desktop
🔌 Enhance the Visual Studio Code plugin: podlite-vscode
🌐 Improve the web playground: https://pod6.in
⌨️ Develop command line interface (cli) tools
📃 Standardize the web publishing tool to follow the specification: podlite-web
🔄 Regular review and updates of the specification: podlite-specs
Useful links are:
Specification of Podlite:
Web version: Podlite markup language specification
Online editor: https://pod6.in, sources: https://github.com/zag/pod6.in
Podlite for Web: https://github.com/podlite/podlite-web
Implementation of Podlite markup language: https://github.com/podlite/podlite
Desktop version of Podlite editor: https://github.com/podlite/podlite-desktop
Visual Studio Code plugin: https://github.com/zag/podlite-vscode
© All rights reserved. 2023-2024. CC BY-SA 4.0. Made with podlite